About Us
Our dream of extended travel has become a reality! We are Matt and Sarah Smith, and we’ve made plans to embark on an extensive road trip from our home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado to the southern tip of South America. With over 3 years of planning and saving, we finally departed our cozy Steamboat home after we got married in July, 2016. Matt had worked as a chemistry analyst, while Sarah had been working in international sales for the Steamboat Ski resort.
We are avid climbers, skiers/boarders and love everything mother nature provides for us. Not only will we be on the lookout for rocks to climb, mountains to ski, waves to glide across, and landscapes to explore, but we are very curious about the cultures and people we will meet and experience. We are not shy to note that we are both white, middle-class Americans who have been given every opportunity that the American dream can offer, yet we have chosen to live in a van, chasing a simple nomadic lifestyle.
We plan to share our adventure through photos and stories as we journey our way south. This site will be our platform to document the journey, but will also be used to re-examine the boundaries and expectations put on us as individuals in pursuit of success and happiness in life. ¡Es tiempo para vivir completamente!